1a Reunió de Química Orgànica / 1st Meeting of Organic Chemistry of the Catalan Chemical Society (1RQO-SCQ)

Sala Prat de la Riba

30 i 31 de gener de 2025 / January 30th and 31st 2025

30 gener, 9-19 h/ 31 gener, 9-18 h / Jan 30, 9-19 h/Jan 31, 9-18 h

Registration form

Personal information
Document (*)
Name (*)
Surname (*)
Phone (*)
Address (*)
Zip code (*)
Town (*)
Country (*)
E-mail (*)
Categoria professional
If you are a postdoctoral researcher, write "Year in which the thesis was defended".
If you are a student, write "Year in which the thesis is planned to be defended".
If they are others, write "What is the category?".
Deadline for uploading PDF communication (The organization will inform you if it is accepted): 29/11/2024
Dinner assistance (selected menu)?
NoYesYes, and I prefer vegan dinner
If you attend the dinner, indicate which intolerance or allergy you have
Is there any relevant information you want to communicate to the organization?
Are you a member of the SCQ?
Payment options
110 € ((members no dinner))
160 € ((Non-members no dinner))
170 € ((members with dinner))
220 € ((non members with dinner))
0 € (guests and speakers)
Payment Method
Credit card
Bank transfer
I would like to receive information on the activities and publications of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans and its affiliated societies

When making the payment you will receive an automatic bill with the following message: If you need to change the data of the bill, you must do so using the same PDF of the bill received by accessing the link at the bottom of the page.

Fields marked with * are required. In case of doubt, contact scq@iec.cat.
Your data will be processed for the management of the activity. The responsible of the treatment is the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC). Your data will not be transferred to third parties, and once the activity has been completed, it will be kept for the purpose of historical registration. For further information visit our privacy policy. You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation in treatment and portability by writing to IEC (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona), or by sending an email to the address dades.personals@iec.cat.