Mediterranean Cities: Civilization and Development

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Presentation Programme Committee and participants Registration Address
Detailed Programme [pdf]
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
16.00 Opening session
Speaker: Janusz Koslowski, president of the International Union of Academies
17.20 Module 1: «The birth of the Mediterranean city: the configuration of the model and The first port networks in the ancient world»

Thursday, November 17, 2011

09.00 Module 2: «The expansion of the Mediterranean city model: from Alexander to Rome»

11.50 Module 3: «The cities of the High Middle Ages»

16.00 Module 4: «Cities in the Low Middle Ages. I: Commercial and manufacturing cities»

Friday, November 18, 2011
09.00 Module 5: «Cities in the Low Middle Ages. II: The cities of knowledge and faith»

11.20 Module 6: «Industrial cities and modernity»

15.30 Module 7: «Cities and territories. Urban intermediation»

17.50 Module 8: «Networks of cities. The Euro-Mediterranean space»

19.30 Closing session

Under the auspices of
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
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08001 Barcelona
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